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Eléonore de Narbonne


Eléonore de Narbonne
45 ans
Situation professionnelle
Ouverte aux opportunités
Carte de presse française n°101377 (2003-2018)
+33 6 62 80 62 30 edenarbonne@gmail.com

MASTER Paix durable dans le monde contemporain

Université pour la paix (mandatée par l'ONU)

Septembre 2011 à septembre 2014
Le Master à distance "Sustainable peace in the contemporary world" aborde l'étude des conflits et de leur résolution, et ses domaines d'application aux niveaux individuel, local, national et international.
Practices of Conflict Management and Peacebuilding
Media, peace and conflict : reflections on roles and functions of the media
Human rights and humanitarian law in the contemporary world
Terrorism, insurgency and the media
The nation state – state weakness and intra-state war
From Economic Recovery to Sustainable Economic Development
Gender and peace studies
Peace and conflict studies, the foundation course
Multiculturalism, contemporary leadership, culture and diversity
Environment and peace
Research methods
Peace Education; Theory and Practice
Human vulnerability and climate change
Gender Mainstreaming and Peacekeeping Operations
Non-violent transformation of conflicts
Independent research project : “Radio China International: the role of foreign experts”.